Win at Homeschool: Know Yourself

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How well do you know yourself? Before you start shopping curriculum, this is the time to really become aware of your own personality, including strengths and weaknesses. Some will know a lot about themselves, and others may need to do more introspection and studying, but either way, knowing what makes you tick as a person will help in many decisions related to homeschool.

Introverted or Extroverted? 

This is how you recharge, do you feel invigorated or worn down after hanging out with friends? Finding a balance is key for your sanity, health, and well-being.

Social Butterfly or Homebody? 

You may need to push yourself out of your comfort zone if you have a child more social than yourself, or you may be tempted to over schedule social activities and need to pull back some or do some car schooling.

Are you a planner or Do you like the planning done for you? 

Many curriculum will either be “open and go” with no ahead of time prep other than maybe reading through the lesson, while others can be more intensive and require preparation and planning.

Detail Oriented or Big Picture? 

The biggest area this will influence is how you plan and keep records for your homeschool. Having noticed that Type A personalities have the biggest presence in the homeschool planning scene and social media, and as one who is NOT type A, this site will provide some alternate resources and methods for planning, and staying organized.

Rule Follower or Free Spirit? 

This will set the tone for sure for your homeschool and how it looks: child led vs parent led, checklist vs inspired, list checker vs impulsive field trip taker.

**Most importantly, keep in mind, just how different we all are. While it can be tempting to be envious of someone who does something really well that perhaps makes us even more aware of our own weaknesses, try to keep your focus on your own strengths and gifts. Harness your strenths and appreciate the awesomeness this brings to your family and teaching style.  

Helpful Resources

Enneagram Institute

Myers Briggs

What your Myers-Briggs type says about your homeschool style

The best homeschool planner for your personality type

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